At Bamburgh we welcome all children and their families into Orchid class, where their exciting school journey begins.  Each pupil is valued as an individual with their own talents, gifts and skills and at Bamburgh we strive to enable each child to become confident and resilient, regardless of background, circumstances or needs.

Our curriculum provides a play-based learning environment, where skilled practitioners carefully scaffold learning through child-initiated tasks, alongside teacher directed activities.  The curriculum is centred around the seven areas of learning within the EYFS.  These are split into 3 Prime Areas:  Communication and Language; Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development and 4 Specific Areas:  Literacy; Maths; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

In addition to enjoying activities linked to the seven areas of learning, children also receive support from a range of professionals outside the classroom, including Occupational and Physiotherapy, Speech and Language and  medical support.

For further details, please contact P. Baxendale (Primary Lead)

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