We hope that your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe. Please read our visitor guidance.
Safeguarding on site
Adults visiting or working on the school site play an important part in the life of the school. Our Safeguarding Lead is Deputy Head, Mrs Nichol, who can be contacted via the main office. In her absence please contact one of our Safeguarding Deputy Leads who are Ms Chamberlain, Mrs Hornby, Mr More, Mr Nord, Mrs Baxendale or Ms Whittle-Richens.
Car Parking
If you are visiting by car, please park in our free campus car park. Please observe our 5 mph speed limit.
All visitors and contractors coming into the school must report to Bamburgh Reception.
As a visitor you will be asked to sign in and be issued with a lanyard which must be worn during your visit, so that staff and students can see you are a visitor. Depending on the circumstances you may also be asked to show photo ID.
If you are a regular visitor to the school you will need to sign in on each occasion. When you leave the site please ensure that you sign out and return your lanyard.
Fire and Evacuation
If you are in school for the day please ensure you read the evacuation notice in the room you are in. If the alarm sounds for any reason follow the instructions. If you evacuate, please leave through the nearest available exit and go to the assembly point in the playground at the front of the building. If you have students with you please ensure they leave quickly and calmly with you.
Our campus is a non-smoking site; this includes e-cigarettes/vapes. Please DO NOT smoke or vape on site.
Health and Safety
Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors working on site.
As a visitor to our school it is essential that you follow and health and safety guidelines that may apply.
Before taking any photographs on site permission must be sought from either the Head teacher, Deputy Head or School Business Manager, who can all be contacted via the school office.
First Aid
We have several first aid staff, please alert a member of staff if you feel unwell and they will call for assistance for you. Alternatively, please go to the school office.