“Raising achievement to inspire independence”
The overall aim of the school is to allow each pupil to develop his/her full potential, not only academically, but as independent citizens, in a positive, caring and supportive environment.
Our commitment to both meeting needs and measuring progress holistically is reflected in the school mission statement above. In addition, our ethos ACME (Aspiration Commitment, Manners and Enjoyment) is recognised and embraced throughout the whole school.
The school ethos is demonstrated through our:
- commitment to value and support every individual;
- encouragement of mutual respect and caring for others;
- discouragement of anti-social behaviour, in all its forms;
- promotion of respect for the fabric and structure of the school, as a place where we can all enjoy to learn.
Creative, challenging and imaginative lessons are at the heart of what we strive to deliver. The provision of a school environment which allows academic achievement and independence to flourish is an important part of our curriculum offer.
Our whole school approach to behaviour for learning is very successful in maintaining a caring, respectful atmosphere where effective teaching and learning can take place.