
Staff at Bamburgh School use a large variety of teaching styles, resources and organisational strategies, dependent upon the ages and abilities of the children being taught.

Pupils with a range difficulties are supported in the classroom by a modified and differentiated curriculum.  In certain subjects there is additional support available according to the needs of the pupils.

See our school prospectus for more information about what Bamburgh offers.

Primary Department

The Primary Department consists of pupils from Nursery through to Year 6.

All pupils are encouraged to be proud of their achievements and to look to themselves as important members of the class, school and the wider global community to which we all belong.

The abilities of our children are varied, ranging from children with MLD to those with mainstream abilities.

Willow Class

Our aim in Willow Class is to provide a creative and stimulating environment, building upon the natural curiosity and imagination of our children, by offering them a variety of experiences of learning through play.

We believe that a smooth transition from home to school is essential for the well-being of young children. In partnership with parents, we encourage children to be as independent as their situation will allow. They are positively encouraged to make their own decisions, to observe and help plan their own curriculum.

The development of each child is promoted by a wide variety of resources both inside and outside. They are expected to work as individuals, in pairs and small groups, encouraging, sharing and cooperative skills. Their physical development benefits from access to excellent soft play facilities, swimming and outdoor areas.

The learning of the children meets the aims and principles of the Early Years Foundation.

  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development.

Ash Class Key Stage 1

Ash Class continues with structured learning, encouraging each child to work at their own individual level, whilst meeting all of the aims of the foundation stage (as above).

Children are taught the National Curriculum subjects, in a variety of ways.

In the Foundation Stage and Infant Department all the children have learning targets which are reviewed termly and are available pupils and parents to see, as well as other professionals, e.g. Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and School Nurses, who also contribute to the targets when appropriate.

Parents are invited into school twice a year to see their children’s work and talk to the staff. All pupils have a school diary, which has information about school, pages for merits and an area for messages between home and school.

Some children are taken out of the classroom for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy, so our approach to work must be flexible in order to accommodate this. We work alongside the therapists, following their advice and implementing activities in the classroom.

Independence is positively encouraged in all areas of the curriculum, to enhance the children’s physical, social and intellectual development. We have a merit reward system where children are rewarded for positive behaviour and effort.

Key Stage Two

Children in the Primary Department at Key Stage Two follow a modified mainstream curriculum, building on and strengthening the foundations laid at Key Stage One. All National Curriculum Subjects are followed at a level appropriate to each individual child. Children are encouraged to develop and progress at their own rate and National Curriculum Programmes of Study as well as topic-based work which encompasses the varying abilities within each year group.

Emphasis is placed on the National Curriculum subjects of English, Maths and Science. Throughout Key Stage Two there is a varying degree of input from specialist teachers according to the specific requirements of the National Curriculum, the pupils themselves and the availability of staff. Similarly pupils can take advantage of excellent facilities available in the Senior Department, such as the Science laboratory, technology, and computer equipment.

When appropriate, subject areas will be linked using a cross-curricular approach to promote continuity of learning. Each subject is supported with a curriculum overview policy.

Children’s independence is encouraged at all times and promoted through the creative, expressive and physical activities of Music, Art and Physical Education.

Throughout Key Stage 2 there are varying degrees of input from secondary teachers in subjects which may include Music, DT, French, ICT and P.E…

Pupils can access both lunch and after school clubs which are mainly physical activities.

Throughout the Primary Department, the development of the whole child, including spiritual and moral, will be encouraged.

We have equality of opportunity according to race and genders. Children will be taught to be caring and sensitive to the needs of others and maintain a positive attitude towards them.

For further information please refer to our school policy statements.

Senior Department

Pupils in the Senior Department are taught by specialist subject teachers and offered a similar range of subjects as mainstream school; these often lead onto external examinations.

At Bamburgh School we currently enter pupils for the following external qualifications:

GCSE English Language GCSE French BTEC Home CookingSkills Level 1
GCSE  English Literature GCSE Design Technology BTEC Home CookingSkills Level 2
AQA Certificate in English Language Functional Skills  Maths Level 1/Level 2 Entry Level French
AQA Certificate in English Literature Entry Level Maths & Entry Level Functional Maths ASDAN Short course Beliefs and Values
GCSE Maths IT USERS (ITQ)Level 1 NCFE Award in Music Technology
GCSE Humanities ASDAN CoPE
GCSE Science ASDAN short Course History
AQA Certificate in Dual Award Science ASDAN Short course Geography

Destinations for leavers from Bamburgh School

6th Form

Further Education e.g. South Tyneside College


Work Placements



In line with current DFE guidelines, our English syllabus places emphasis on the acquisition of relevant skills in the areas of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing (including Spelling and Handwriting).

Our pupils are encouraged to acquire Speaking and Listening skills as part of their involvement across the curriculum. However assessment takes place within English lessons.

The acquisition of Reading skills and an appreciation of books is regarded as extremely important. Pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure as well as for information and extra help is given to those who have difficulties in this area.

Library facilities are available for all pupils in School and they are also encouraged to use the facilities provided by the Public Library Service.

Writing is vital for our pupils’ involvement in all areas of the curriculum and appropriate emphasis is, therefore, placed on the acquisition of the necessary skills. Pupils are encouraged to write in a variety of styles, to pay attention to appropriate punctuation and spelling, and to take care over the appearance of their work. ICT facilities are available to all pupils and they are encouraged to enhance their presentation skills by using word processing and desktop publishing techniques.

An appreciation of literature is also considered to be very important.  Opportunities are provided across all year groups to study a wide range of literature in the form of prose, poetry and drama. At Key Stage Three one Shakespeare text is encountered each year.

At Key Stage Four pupils’ achievements are assessed either by the English Language and English Literature GCSEs and Certificates (IGCSEs) offered by AQA, or by Entry Level English qualifications.

Assessment in Key Stage Three English adheres to the principles of Assessing Pupil Progress. Information relating to progress and achievement can be found in the pupils’ files or workbooks and pupils are encouraged to review their own progress and set personal targets via our Target Bookmark system.


Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum, and all pupils follow a course in it. The overall aim is to develop in the pupils a positive attitude towards Mathematics, and an awareness of its power to communicate and to explain. Mathematics is a powerful tool with great relevance to the real world, and in this context the pupils are encouraged to develop the skills and knowledge that will help them to cope outside the school environment. The emphasis on communicating, reasoning and problem-solving is at the heart of all the work done in the lessons. The potential contribution to the whole school curriculum is considerable, with the pupils using their mathematical skills and knowledge in various subjects throughout the school.

From Year 7 to Year 11 the pupils follow courses of study over four general headings: Using and Applying Maths; Number and Algebra; Shape and Space, and Handling Data. Each topic contains up to eight levels of progressively more difficult work. The pupils are formally assessed at 14 years (Key Stage 3) and at 16 years (Key Stage 4) with written examinations. Continuous assessment by the teacher is also carried out. It is expected that the Key Stage 4 examinations will give pupils a nationally recognised grade in Mathematics.

In years 7, 8 & 9 (KS3) the pupils work in small mixed ability classes.  They follow the National Numeracy Strategy, which places the emphasis on class teaching with clear objectives.  At the end of the Key Stage (Year 9) pupils take an ability related exam in the subject which gives them a formal level of their progress.

Years 10 and 11 pupils are preparing for a GCSE certificate or an Entry Level Certificate in the subject.


The Science department is committed to providing a broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated and high quality science education to all our pupils, throughout the age range of our school, from Early Years to KS4.

We aim to make the study of science fully inclusive, safe and enjoyable.

At present students at KS3 follow the Exploring Science scheme of work, which covers biology, chemistry, physics and thinking scientifically. This prepares pupils, and gives them the breadth of knowledge required to be successful at KS4. Students are assessed using end of topic tests and APP designed to build their using and applying skills.

At KS4 students follow a range of courses depending on their ability. Courses offered are IGCSE, GCSE (AQA Science A and Science B), and Entry Level Certificate.


There are numerous ASDAN courses running throughout the school from KS2 through to KS4. ASDAN offers students the ability to develop life skills crucial for their well-being and development as young adults. Leading on from Stepping Stones in KS2, students study Key Steps as part of life skills at KS3 which offers a broad and balanced PSHCE and citizenship curriculum. At KS4 PSD (personal and social development) is offered. PSD helps students in becoming confident individuals who are physically, emotionally and socially healthy. The work done focuses on being responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and embrace change and learning to manage risk and improve their own wellbeing.

CoPE (Certificate of Personal Effectiveness) is a nationally recognised qualification that is offered at KS4. It promotes, and allows centres to record a wide range of personal qualities, abilities and achievements of young people, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.

ASDAN short courses are also available as part of KS4 Humanities.

Design and Technology

Technology as a subject is connected with identifying problems, generating design ideas, making and evaluating products, systems and environments. It emphasises the importance of practical capability, developing skills for life. It also provides opportunities for pupils to develop their ability to make decisions, think analytically and be an innovative designer.

Technology as a discipline embraces the traditional focuses on the importance of the design process. The design strand runs through all areas of the subject, Graphic Design, Textiles Design, Resistant Materials, Systems and Control.

As a department all projects set involve cross curricular links to literacy, numeracy, art and ICT

At present the department teaches all areas of study laid out in the National Curriculum Key Stage 3.

In year 10, Key Stage 4, the department teaches Graphic Products at GCSE level. The course is made up of 2 elements, controlled assessment (60% of final grade) and external examination (40% of final grade). Vocational courses may be offered as an alternative such as BTEC or ASDAN.

The department is committed to moving forward and to utilise new technologies in education such as CAD/CAM ( computer aided design and manufacture) and to give our pupils every opportunity to develop their design skills.


Computing is taught to pupils throughout the school. The development of Computing is changing everyday activities both at home and at work. The impact of Computing on the lives of individuals and on the economy will become even greater as the extent and range of its use increases. It is therefore essential that as pupils leave school they are equipped to take full advantage of the opportunities which Computing provides and to understand the effects of its use.

The school is equipped with Computing equipment and application software needed to conform to the requirements of the new 2014 Computing curriculum. Bamburgh is continually purchasing both quality hardware (computers, printers, control devices etc.) and software (applications, programs, web-based, CDs etc.) to make sure that pupils are able to take full advantage of the work done in Computing.  The school’s shared network system is fully operational and being used to the full.

At Key Stages 1 and 2 (ages 5 -11) the pupils are involved in computing work as part of their normal day-to-day lessons. The work involves: keyboard skills, algorithms, simple programming, computer networks, E-safety, use of technology and application packages both in and out of school, multimedia etc.

Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils cover the Computing requirements of the new 2014 computing Curriculum in a number of ways. In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils receive one formal lesson of Computing per week. This lesson is essentially designed to give the pupils the skills to cope with cross-curricular Computing work around the school as well as giving them the opportunity to use “state of the art” equipment and functional applications to create programs, model data, understand Boolean logic and binary, computer hardware and device communication, data storage etc.

In years 10 and 11 students are currently completing a BTEC national course for Information Technology users. This course can be completed at various levels, from Entry Level 3 to Full Level 2 including Award, Certificate and Diploma levels. Depending on the level and amount of work completed, the qualification is equivalent to a range of between 1 to 3 GCSE s at A* to G.


All students in Key Stage 2 and 3 study a Modern Foreign Language (French) as is their entitlement under the National Curriculum. Most students continue into Key stage 4 and gain accreditation.

Linguistically, they work towards the four Attainment Targets:

  • Listening and Responding
  • Speaking
  • Reading and Responding
  • Writing

The learning needs of the individual child are considered as they develop their skills within the Attainment Targets.

Socially, the aim is to encourage co-operation and tolerance both within the classroom and towards other cultures.

Enjoyment is a primary aim which will hopefully lead to a feeling of success and a development of self-esteem.

“Expo” provides a skeleton for the key Stage 3 course, but much supplementary material is provided to cater for the needs and talents of individual students.

In Key Stage 4 students may be prepared GCSE examinations, following the AQA specification. The book used is Nelson Thornes AQA French (Foundation and Higher). Alternatively students may be accredited via the AQA Entry Level Certificate for which a portfolio is prepared.


Through all Key Stages the core Humanities subjects of History, Geography and R.E are taught in line with National Curriculum. Students study a wide range of subjects and aim to cover all aspects of the National Curriculum. Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and proactive learners, taking a critical and informed look at the world around them and how the Humanities subjects play are part in their own lives.

In years 7, 8 and 9 students participate in the subject specific lessons, looking at History, Geography and R.E as independent subjects. In History students learn about a broad range of historical periods and events, enabling them to have a sense of the history on a local, national and global scale.

Throughout the Geography course in years 7, 8 and 9 students are encouraged to develop a clear understanding of the interaction of man with place, space and environment. Pupils are encouraged to ask the questions: Where? What? Why? And How?

During Religious Education in years 7, 8 and 9 pupils follow the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. This enables pupils to gain an understanding of a range of local, national and global religions, developing a sound understanding of religion and the role it plays in people’s lives.

In Years 10 and 11, pupils will either follow the AQA Humanities GCSE course, which covers aspects of Geography, History and R.E; or complete an ASDAN Short Course in History  and R.E. The GCSE Humanities course is taken over 2 years and is assessed by means of coursework and 2 externally examined exam papers. The students taking the ASDAN course will complete a series of written and presentational challenges across the two years and submit a folder of evidence which is both internally and externally examined.

Throughout the Humanities programme here at Bamburgh School, pupils are engaged in a wide variety of interesting, challenging and rewarding topics. The Humanities Programme of Study, from years 7 to 11, encourages students the think critically, act responsibly and have respect, tolerance and understanding for the world around them.

Physical Education

In accordance with National Curriculum guidelines all pupils participate in at least 2 hours of quality PE each week.

Physical Education throughout the school is adapted to cater for all disabilities; the personal development and well-being of the pupils being paramount.

We aim to give all pupils the opportunity to experience a vast range of sporting activities linked to the following areas:

Invasion Games                           Football, Hockey, Rugby, Basketball, Netball

Striking and Fielding Games        Cricket, Rounders

Net/Wall                                        Netball, Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis

Dance                                           Linked to themes, Street, Hip hop, Bollywood etc

Gymnastics                                   Balance, Travel and Flight, developing a sequence


Athletics                                        Javelin, Shot-put, Discus and Track

Health Related Fitness                 Learning about the importance of a Healthy Diet and                                                              Lifestyle. Participation in a range of Cardio and                                                                        Muscle Toning activities.

Pupils are assessed against the National Curriculum Levels and work closely with the teacher when discussing their progress and setting their

Sports Leaders Award Level 1 –     Pupils create skills activities to target our Key

                                                       Stage 1 and 2 pupils.

Develop skills in coaching.

Organise a Sports Event for Key Stage 1 and 2.

Opportunities to lead on to Level 2 Award.

Outdoor Pursuits Programme   –    Develop skills in Canoeing, Orienteering and

problem solving.

Gain Certification in Climbing.

Residential Experience

Every year, up to 32 pupils in KS3 and 4 will have the opportunity to visit to Thurston Outdoor Education Centre. Thurston is sited on the shores of Lake Coniston in the Lake District.

The aim of the residential experience is to enable pupils to develop skills and knowledge associated with the experiences provided whilst engaged in Outdoor Pursuits. General objectives are: to acquire understanding of the Thurston environment; to develop skills in handling information; personal and interpersonal qualities; planning resources and making decisions.

The pupils take part in sailing, canoeing, fell walking, climbing, orienteering and camping. They also assist in the day to day running of the centre.

The pupils keep a daily log in which they record their feelings, thoughts and experiences.

On return to school a display consisting of photographs, log books, and any other relevant artefacts is mounted.


Music is taught at Key Stage 3. As in all National Curriculum subjects each pupil is encouraged to express himself/herself at an appropriate level dependent on ability.

Throughout this period of study, pupils are introduced to a variety of classical and contemporary music. They are encouraged to listen to and develop an understanding of different musical styles. Assessment focuses on three areas: Listening, Performing and Composing.

The technical resourcing of this subject is constantly being expanded and updated and includes computer – aided facilities, electronic equipment and DJ equipment.

Music Technology programs are available in school, to be used both within and outside of the lessons.

At both Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils are given opportunities to perform throughout the year to audiences ranging from peer groups to parents.

At Key Stage 4 we offer pupils the option of completing a Music Technology Level 1 qualification.

Art & Design

Art and Design is delivered across all Key Stages.

The aim of our delivery is that pupils’ understanding and enjoyment of Art, Craft and Design should be developed through activities which bring together requirements from both Investigating and Making, and Knowledge and Understanding wherever possible.

Throughout years 7, 8 & 9 pupils will have the opportunity to explore a range of media and to develop skills in both two dimensional and three dimensional studies.  Each year pupils will be involved in projects relating to Colour, Still Life, The Figure, Design and an Imaginative piece.  Throughout each project they will gain an understanding of many artists and different cultures from the past to the present day.

Year 10 and 11 pupils will follow either the GCSE certification in Art and Design. Pupils will have the opportunity to work on projects relating to graphics, ceramics, fine art, photography and textiles. They will have opportunities to develop a project from initial ideas through to realisation whilst  exploring and experimenting with a wide range of materials tools and techniques, whilst embarking on the work of different designers, learning about different art movements and the impact Art has on the society in which we live and how it is part of our everyday lives.

We are proud to celebrate the high standard of art work our pupils achieve, which is demonstrated through displays around school.

Life Skills

Most senior pupils and some Primary pupils will study Life Skills at some time during their school career. The programme aims to help students, including those with disabilities to achieve as much independence as possible. They are encouraged to direct any help they need and to make their own decisions if they require assistance.

The emphasis is on the acquisition of practical skills and an awareness of Health and Safety. Tasks are set according to the needs and capabilities of individual pupils.

Possible topics covered include:

  • Basic Cookery, Hygiene and Nutrition.
  • Safety in the Home and on the Internet.
  • Personal Skills – use of equipment
  • Home Management – Budgeting, Pets and Hygiene.
  • Taking Care of Yourself – Personal Hygiene, Health and Safety
  • Out and About – Transport, Mobility, Road Safety
  • Social Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Shopping – Using money, Knowing you rights.
  • Leisure Pursuits.

Targets are discussed and negotiated with pupils and parents whenever possible, and pupils are encouraged to reinforce the skills learnt at home.

In Year 10 pupils will have opportunities to gain qualification in BTEC Home Cooking Skills, Level 1 and Level 2.

This is a practical course based on students learning Home Cooking Skills. It has been designed in collaboration with the Chef Jamie Oliver. Students will learn to use cooking skills to make home-cooked food that does not use pre-prepared ready-cooked food. They will also learn the value of passing on information about home cooking. The course will help students to realise how to cook great food that tastes amazing, how to save money and lead a happier healthier life.

You could find out more at

Level 1 Foundation course

To achieve the Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Award in Home Cooking Skills, learners must achieve one unit with a value of four credits.

Level 2 is equivalent to 23 points (GCSE short course)

To achieve the Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award in Home Cooking Skills, learners must achieve one unit with a value of six credits.

Progression: Students who take this course can study further courses e.g. GCSE Hospitality and Catering or NVQ Catering.

Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship

The promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life is integral to the whole curriculum of Bamburgh School.  Reference is made to the National Curriculum Programme of Study for PSHCE within which issues relating to the needs of the school are specified and addressed.

South Tyneside’s Healthy School Standard supports the effective implementation of the National Curriculum framework, so the school, working with local partners and agencies can promote PSHE, Citizenship, drug education, emotional health, healthy eating, physical activity, safety and sex and relationship education.

Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship are delivered in discrete lesson time for senior pupils but also across the whole curriculum and through whole-school activities.

The following are examples of the many ways in which PSHCE are delivered:

  • Visitors from outside agencies (eg Fire Brigade, Environmental Health,
  • RSPCA)  are welcomed to the school.
  • The Thurston Residential Experience
  • Fund raising events (eg Fun Days, non-uniform days)
  • Assemblies
  • Public performances (eg Christmas concert in school, visit to care home for carol singing)
  • Involvement with the Trans Age Project with Age Concern.
  • School Clubs, which take place at lunchtime and Out of School Hours.
  • Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities, for example:
  • As prefects and librarians
  • Senior pupils helping younger children at lunchtimes
  • Year 11 Christmas party for Early Years

We give pupils a voice via the School Council which meets half-termly with two representatives from each senior class and Mrs. Taylor.  An agenda is issued, which representatives discuss with their class, before each meeting. Minutes are issued afterwards.

The School Newsletter shares information with pupils, staff, parents, governors and friends of Bamburgh School.

Examples of Citizenship topics are:


Racism and Discrimination

Legal and Human Rights and Responsibilities

The Citizen and the Law

Democracy – local, national and European

Environmental issues and global concerns

The work of voluntary groups

Current affairs and the media

For pupils with medical and emotional conditions a high profile needs to be given to health and to the development of independence.  Examples of topics are:

Safety In the home/outside


Child protection

Nutrition and Dental Health

Money Management

Emotional Issues and feelings

Pupils are able to spend time reflecting on their achievements in PSHCE and to work towards completion of Progress Files in Year 11.

Sex Education

In the Primary phase of the school teachers take a “truthful” and factual approach to questions related to Sex Education. Changes to the human body are discussed in year five but Sex Education is not formally addressed until KS3.

In the secondary phase of the school it is a statutory requirement for students to study reproduction as part of the KS3 science curriculum. This is covered in year seven. Parents will be informed when this topic is about to be covered. The topic covers all areas of reproduction including external and internal fertilisation, sexual and asexual reproduction. Areas of sexual reproduction covered include the production of sex cells, male and female reproductive organs, sexual intercourse, the menstrual cycle, development of a foetus, birth and puberty. All lessons are taught in a sensitive manner to suit the cognitive age and ability of the class. In some cases students will be taken out of class to study on a one to one basis with a member of staff where they can combine PSHCE and science at the same time. This will be discussed with parents if it is deemed appropriate for lessons to be approached in this manner.

Moral issues of a more sensitive nature are covered by the PSHCE curriculum. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from this part of the programme.

On occasion outside agencies are involved with the delivery of this topic, including South Tyneside Sexual Health Team.  Parents will be informed if agencies are to be involved in delivering lessons to their child.

Substance Education

We aim to provide all pupils with accurate information about substance use and misuse, to help our pupils clarify the attitudes and values which influence health choices and to promote the acquisition of healthy patterns of behaviour.

In the infant and junior phase of the School, pupils are informed about the dangers of household substances.  Substances are taught as part of science at Key Stages 3 and 4 in accordance with the National Curriculum. Topics include the effects of drugs on the body and nervous system (recreational and medicinal) at KS3 and the use and abuse of drugs at KS4. Alcohol, smoking and substance abuse is also discussed as part of the ASDAN Key Steps programme in Life Skills at KS3.

The Literacy Enrichment Area

The ‘Bamburgh Magic’ begins the moment you enter our Literacy Enrichment Area. This area has evolved from the original library in order to facilitate the introduction of the Renaissance Reading Programme which was recently introduced and which uses a wide range of books that have been carefully leveled to suit all reading abilities. We have some wonderful features to entice our younger readers, who are welcomed by the Giant’s boot from Jack and the Beanstalk, the Candy Cottage from Hansel and Gretel and our huge friendly penguin from Happy Feet.

This is a warm, inviting environment where pupils from every key stage are very keen to come and read. This room has become an integral part of our reading lessons. This calm, cosy, colourful environment has encouraged our children to want to read and experience the wonderful world of literature. Currently, further work is being done to produce a range of topic boxes to support the new primary curriculum.

Displays relating to particular curriculum areas: seasons, festivals, other countries and cultures and environmental interests are often mounted.

Work-related Learning

Work-related learning is an important aspect of the school curriculum although it is not taught as a discrete subject. Instead, the skills needed for moving on from school are an integral part of the whole school curriculum.

Students are actively involved in a range of fund-raising activities, supporting many charities whilst using practical, financial and team-building skills.

A team of enthusiastic volunteers supports a small horticultural project which has been running for several years and is very popular with the students, teaching them a wide range of skills.

All Y10 students complete one week’s work experience during the summer term and this is almost invariably a very positive experience, with employers giving very positive feedback. The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme remains very popular. The Bronze Award is split into four sections: Physical, Skill, Service and Exploration, giving pupils opportunities to gain experience and skills in a range of activities including bowling, ice skating, golf, swimming, trampoline, bodyzone exercise and climbing.  The Exploration element of the award has been fulfilled via residential visits and camping trips to Kielder and The Lake District.

Careers Guidance/Work Experience

Sarah Goodwin works in conjunction with the School in offering careers advice to senior pupils. The first formal contact occurs at the Transition Review Meeting where professionals, parents and pupils meet to consider their contribution to the process of transition between school and college/training/work.

A careers specific interview is offered to all Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. As a result of this interview each Pupil receives an Individual Action Plan outlining decisions made and strategies to be adopted. This can be updated or revised at any time if the pupil requires further advice.

Sarah Goodwin and the Work-Related Learning Coordinator provide careers advice for all Years 9, 10, 11, both informally on request, and formally during PSHCE. Visits to local colleges and careers exhibitions are arranged on a regular basis; All Year 10 pupils undertake a one – week placement experience during the summer term.

Careers Literature and related materials are available in the Secondary work area and from the Careers Service. Materials relating to the world of work are available across all four Key Stages.

Sarah Goodwin is based at Chuter Ede and can be contacted on 0191 5360515.

Concerns about the Curriculum

If parents have a concern about the National Curriculum or provision of RE and collective worship or if they wish to make a complaint, a copy of the Bamburgh School Policy is available from the School Office

National Curriculum Assessments and Public Examinations

Because of the complex and diverse variety of conditions and circumstances of our pupils the year-by-year variation in results is likely to be considerable.

We are constantly working with the children, monitoring and assessing their capabilities so that they are entered for appropriate accreditation, following discussions with pupils and parents at parent interviews.

The School has gained several prestigious awards:

South Tyneside and National Healthy School Standard

Enterprise in Education Business Award

Quality Mark for work-related learning

We are required to base our teaching on the National Curriculum for England. It sets out clear, full and statutory entitlement to learning for all pupils. It determines the content of what will be taught, and sets attainment targets for learning. It also determines how performance will be assessed and reported.

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